Real-world stories and realistic perspectives that help you align the what, why, and how.
Let's break out of our silos and get aligned
Do you know that organizations with tightly aligned sales and marketing functions have 38% higher win rates? And while this statistic is alarming - it excludes a large majority of roles at the workplace. How can we go beyond buzzwords and see the impact of technology in our everyday lives? How can we align on the challenges, the readiness gaps, and the opportunities to make organizations successful?
Do you have an authentic perspective to share?
We would love to have you as a guest.
The ALYNMENT podcast is an attempt to connect the dots between technology and its business values and fill the alignment gaps between product, marketing, and sales. Join us as Ashish Jain, Co-Founder of KAIROS Pulse, and experts from various fields share their experiences, authentic and thought-provoking perspectives, and help fill in the gaps.

Ep # 43: Pioneering Connectivity in K-12 - Murray City's Private LTE Journey & Vision - with Jason Eyre, Murray City School District
From fostering equitable access to enhancing the classroom experience, private cellular networks are transforming K-12 education. With the rise of digital learning tools, the need for continuous, reliable wireless connectivity has never been more important.
In this changing educational landscape, can private 5G networks serve as the infrastructure backbone to support various on-campus and remote educational activities? Do school districts understand how best to leverage the transformative potential of private 5G? and more importantly, can it help close the stubborn digital divide in the most cost-effective way? Let’s find out.
Oct-17-2023 Ashish Jain with Jason Eyre

Ep # 42: The Enterprise iPhone Moment for Private Mobile Networks – with Tom Wheeler and Mike Mulica, Alef
Private mobile networks are becoming a critical utility for businesses to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve safety and security. The deployments are growing steadily; however, a patchwork of available wireless solutions makes it challenging for many enterprises to have a standardized approach to address the connectivity needs of diverse use cases. There are stiff technical and commercial challenges to their widespread adoption, demanding both service providers and vendors to rise to the occasion.
So, what can vendors do to simplify their customers’ options? What are the primary decision factors for enterprises to deploy a private mobile network? And what will it take to scale private mobile network adoption? Let’s find out.
Sep-07-2023 Ashish Jain with Tom Wheeler and Mike Mulica

Ep # 41: Revolutionizing Connectivity and Exploring the Future of Private Networks - with Rajeev Shah, Celona
With advancements in connectivity, the widespread adoption of the Internet of Things, and the exponential growth of mobile devices, traditional network infrastructure has found it challenging to meet the surging demand for secure and efficient communication solutions.
Some enterprises are now turning to private cellular
networks as a compelling connectivity platform to materialize their digital
vision. While these networks promise to provide a dedicated, reliable, and
secure wireless infrastructure that can be customized to meet the unique needs
of organizations; it still takes a village to justify its business case. What
are some of the make-or-break factors for an enterprise to decide whether to
deploy one? What gives senior business leaders and the IT organizations the
confidence to make the change? Let’s find out.
Jul-21-2023 Ashish Jain with Rajeev Shah

Ep # 40: Charting a Course for Digital Inclusion in Native America with Private 5G - with Derrick Frost, Kajeet
The lack of access to broadband internet can significantly hinder economic growth, education, and healthcare, making it difficult for communities to compete in the modern world. Bringing reliable, high-speed connectivity to remote and underserved areas in the US is a complex challenge that requires a unique set of solutions.
Can private LTE and fixed-wireless access networks help close the digital divide and empower rural and tribal communities through technology? And even if it can, are local communities prepared to navigate the unique challenges and opportunities associated with deploying and scaling the networks? Let's find out.
Jun-05-2023 Ashish Jain with Derrick Frost

Ep # 39: Maximizing Business Outcomes with Converged Wireless Networks - with Jason Inskeep, AT&T
4G and 5G cellular networks are becoming increasingly popular amongst enterprises as more organizations look for ways to accelerate their digital strategy. However, many challenges come with private cellular networks, such as finding the right solution that meets business application needs, its cost-effectiveness, security, reliability, and scalability. How do those challenges differ across verticals and use cases and what are the critical success factors for the day-1 and, more importantly, day-2 operations of the private cellular network? Let’s find out.
Mar-14-2023 Ashish Jain with Jason Inskeep

Ep # 38: The Complexities of Today’s Wireless Communications - with Rex Chen, LitePoint
Wireless communications are constantly growing in complexity with new protocols, new devices, and new spectrum options. Ensuring all possible combinations work dependably at their peak performance has always been critical for guaranteeing network readiness. But the era of Private 5G and industrial applications adds new dynamics to ensuring the safety and readiness of wireless networks. How can enterprise IT teams ensure that working next to a mobile robot in a factory is safe? How can we be sure that a drone carrying medical supplies will deliver them to the right place? Let’s find out.
Jan-27-2023 Ashish Jain with Rex Chen

Ep # 37: Resolving the Connectivity Conundrum for IoT - with Daniel Quant, Multi-Tech Systems
The Internet of Things promises to bring us amazing efficiencies. It’s projected to have billions of connected devices helping us monitor environmental conditions, enhance public safety, automate industrial processes, and fulfill the vision of self-driving cars. But have the outcomes justified the hype? Do enterprises have clarity on the most viable connectivity option for their IoT applications? Should they use Wi-Fi, BLE, Zigbee, LoRA, cellular LPWAN solutions, or the new kid in the block – 5G? There are many things to consider, so how can enterprises converge their network infrastructure to support diverse digital application needs? Let’s find out.
Jan-24-2023 Ashish Jain with Daniel Quant

Ep # 36: How Secure is Our Data? - with Nancy Wang, Amazon Web Services
Telecommunication networks never stop evolving, moving in less than 15 years from 3G to LTE to 5G, and having our data move from on-site to the cloud and to the edge. But what does this mean for the security of our data? With the rising adoption of connected devices & applications, enterprises are at a greater risk of data breaches, ransomware, and new types of attacks. How should CIOs rethink security, and what choices do they have? Let’s find out.
Dec-06-2022 Ashish Jain with Nancy Wang

Ep # 35: Is Private 5G the New LAN and WAN for Enterprise? - with Todd Krautkremer, Cradlepoint
The networking needs of a digital enterprise are shifting to ensure anytime, anywhere connectivity to reliably and securely interconnect their people, places, and things. The notion of a universal wireless network for enterprise blurs the lines between historical local area and wide area network boundaries. But can the highly vouched 5G cellular network – public or private - truly replace LAN and WAN solutions used by enterprises for decades? Even if it is, are CIOs prepared to make a shift? Let’s find out.
Sep-15-2022 Ashish Jain with Todd Krautkremer